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Your Innkeepers


We are absolutely thrilled and delighted at the possibility of being your innkeepers. Our job is to ensure that your visit to Bar Harbor and Acadia is as relaxing, fun, and rewarding as it possibly can be.


Michelle is a New Jersey native. Having moved around a bit during her youth, her family moved to Kennebunk, Maine when she was three years old, embedding in her a love of all things Maine at a young age. Having spent her career in the Pharmaceutical sector, she moved back to New Jersey for work where she met Eric, a sales representative.  Eric is a native of Litchfield, Connecticut. Eric has a deep seeded love of New England and the people of this region. Michelle spent most of her summer vacations here in Bar Harbor since she was a young child. Her parents are avid outdoors people and instilled in her a love of nature, hiking, biking, and all things outdoors. Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park are a perfect home for Michelle and Eric who spend every spare moment they can enjoying the beauty that the island has to offer.


When Eric and Michelle started talking about making a change in their lifestyle to achieve a better work life balance, to live life to the fullest and have no regrets, becoming innkeepers in Bar Harbor was the perfect answer. Living in a town that we love, being so close to Acadia National Park that we can walk there from our back door, and taking on a career that allows us to open our home to so many wonderful guests from all over the world we could not ask for a better lifestyle. We looked for over a year to find the perfect Inn that we could call home. When we found the Holbrook House we know we were home. We know that you will feel the same way when you cross our threshold.


We added a new four-legged addition to our family.  Three years ago adopted a rescue Morkie (Maltese and Yorkshire Terrier Mix) puppy from Underhound Railroad Rescue.  When she was just a puppy she had some health problems. She had a liver disorder which we corrected with surgery. While this surgery has given her a better outlook on life she is still on a very special diet to keep her healthy.  Pooka will call our private quarters her home but if you see her about the inn with Eric and Michelle please do not feed her, as you will make her extremely sick.


If you are coming to Bar Harbor for your vacation, then you surely understand what motivated us to move here. Nowhere else on earth have we felt as at peace and at home than on Mount Desert Island.

We hope you come to love our home and Bar Harbor and believe that you, too, will find the draw irresistible, and become frequent guests here in our home.

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74 Mount Desert Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609  |  1-207-288-4970

© 2010-2020 by ME Properties. 

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